Join me on Facebook
Are you on Facebook? If you are please come and join me and others as we share insights into our world through my FB wall. On my personal account I have only a few spots left so I started the Fanpage...
View ArticleWall Street-YOU Create the change: Youtube from Miriam Delicado
There are people all over the world that understand that the current systems we have in place in this world are not working. What do we need to do to change? This is really a question we all have to...
View ArticleLIVE stream with Miriam Delicado on 2012 truth channel Fri Oct 28 3:00pm EST
Livestream FREE event please come and join us. Ask questions in the live chat area. 2012 Truth Channel click HERE Time 3 pm EST/ 9 pm CET / 8 pm GMET Date: October 28-2011 2012truth on
View ArticleArchive justBernard Show: 2012 and Occupy Movement: Oct. 24, 2011
For this month’s Consciousness Talk Bernard will be joined by very special guest Miriam Delicado. They be discussing the Occupy movement in relation to the 2012 prophecies and dispel many of the...
View ArticleHumility : Keys to humankind moving forward.
Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. It is a spirit of self-examination; a hermeneutic of suspicion...
View ArticleArchive justBernard Show: Bringing in 2012: Jan. 16, 2012
The justBernard Show: Contactee and Public Speaker, Miriam Delicado returns to TJBS to discuss and share her thoughts and message for the year 2012 and the launch of her long awaited project: The Great...
View ArticleThe Great Gathering: Looking for volunteers : January 2012
January 8, 2012 Miriam Delicado, Executive Director The Great Welcome all to 2012! In what will be unfolding as an exciting year for all at The Great Gathering, please join us in being...
View ArticleHaiti Earthquake Disaster: January 12-2010 reflecting back
Recently I have been thinking about the earthquake in Haiti. Memories of that day in Haiti rolling through my mind not making the conscious connection that the anniversary date was almost upon us. With...
View ArticleArchive New Earth Radio: Reconnecting Humanity and the Earth – Host Dr....
Reconnecting Humanity & Earth” ~ Conversation with Miriam Delicado – Founder, The Great Gathering of Humanity This was an excellent interview with Dr Dream and Ilya.. thank you to both of you!!!...
View ArticleArchive VoiceAmerica: Awakening to Consciousness – Host Peter Tongue: Sept....
Blue Star Prophecy with Miriam Delicado We as a planet are moving through a time of transition into a higher state of awareness and consciousness. In today’s program Miriam will discuss how to ease...
View ArticleArchive: Awake in the Dream Radio 19-11-2013
Joining Laura Eisenhower and Dr Dream in this interview. Mark (Dr Dream) and Laura are amazing people and it was such a pleasure to meet them for the first time on my last trip to see the Hopi. The...
View Article2014 More Messages of the Extraterrestrials
As I reflect on the past 25 years of my life I see a world that has changed. Never could I have imagined what my life would be like today and how my interactions with extraterrestrials could shape...
View ArticleInterview Night Magick Radio: January 30 9:00pm Pacific Miriam Delicado
2nd Hour Guest: Miriam Delicado She has been a two time guest on Coast to Coast She is in constant contact with Aliens from another star system. These beings are both physical and inter-dimensional...
View ArticleHow extraterrestrial contact is changing the world.
UFOs and Alien Contacts are important for the future of humanity. As the number of contacts and sightings around the world increase, so does the awakening of our inner questioning of what is really...
View ArticleSacred Water Circle May 2,3 and 4th, 2014 Ontario Canada
All over the world People are working together to protect and respect Life giving Waters. I have the honor to attend this event as we continue to share the importance of the Sacred Elements that give...
View ArticleBrazil May 16-18 2014 World Forum of Contactees
It is with great honor to attend this Conference in Brazil with many of the worlds top contactees such as Debbie Jordan of Intruders and Travis Walton of Fire in the Sky. There will be guests from all...
View ArticleUpdate July 10, 2014 from Costa Rica to Brazil to the Hopi.
What exactly is it that you do Miriam? This is one of the most popular questions that people ask me when I meet them. It usually takes a few minutes to answer because I do many things, for many people,...
View ArticleWiwa Crisis Colombia Indignous : Lightening Kills 11
NOVEMBER 8th UPDATE NOVEMBER 08 Update: With thanks to this community for your support we were able to make a delivery of food to the Wiwa Community. Christian Castagno, his wife Tatiana L Llinas and...
View ArticleDid you have hypnosis to remember this experience with the Tall Blonds?
When I was on board the UFO with these extraterrestrials one of the things they taught me was how the brain functions and interacts between the body, processing of information and the other worlds....
View ArticleFeb 7th-2015 Starborn Radio Interview with Miriam Delicado
Join Miriam Delicado and the team at Starborn Support for a two hour chat with other experiencers of ET contact. The Radio show is based on Information, Education, and Support for Experiencers and...
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